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Editura Universitara Public Services and Utilities. Economy. Management. Strategies. Policy

30,00 Lei 19,50 Lei

ISBN: 978-606-28-0496-1

DOI: 10.5682/9786062804961

Publisher year: 2016

Pages: 144

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Vadim Dumitrascu

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The paper deals with topics of maximum interest, such as the fundamentals of the economy of public services and utilities; economic, managerial and technical particularities of public services; ways of organization and management; design / planning of supply systems; the specifics of management in public organizations; business strategies; public policies; service cost structure; the modalities for setting the tariffs; quality management of public services; particularities of marketing; the conditions of economic sustainability; the possibilities of ensuring the financial sustainability of these services. The book is addressed primarily to students in economics programs, but can also be useful to people who work in public services and utilities.
  • Public Services and Utilities. Economy. Management. Strategies. Policy


Introduction / 9

Theme 1 Introductory elements regarding public services and utilities (SUP) / 11
1. Definition and domain SUP / 11
2. SUP / 13 classification
3. Principles, conditions and factors for the efficient assurance of SUP / 15

Theme 2 Economic, technical and managerial particularities of SUP / 18
1. The essential economic characteristics of SUP / 18
2. Objectives and content of the main community / municipal SUP / 22
3. Specific areas for exercising SUP / 23 management

Theme 3 Ways of organization and management of public services / 26
1. The content of the ways of organizing and managing SUP / 26
2. Typology of ways of organizing and managing SUP / 27
3. Criteria for establishing the management of SUP / 30

Theme 4 Peculiarities of the management of public organizations providing SUP (I) / 33
1. Distinctions between public and private organizations / 33
2. Organization / rational-legal / (bureaucratic) as a model for the management of public organizations / 35
3. The structure of public organizations / 37

Theme 5 Peculiarities of the management of public organizations providing SUP (II) / 42
1. Decisions and distribution of power in the context of the organization / 42
2. Decisional decentralization: meanings and types / 43
3. Decision models in organizations / 47
4. Decisions within managerial cycles / 49

Theme 6 Design / planning of systems for providing public services and utilities / 54
1. The activity of designing / planning the SUP / 54 systems
2. Estimation of the needs for the provision of public services / 58
3. Types of processes involved in the provision of public services / 61

Theme 7 Business strategies in the field of public services and utilities / 64
1. Particularities and typology of strategies in the field of SUP / 64
2. Strategies focused on cost management / 69
3. Strategies for optimizing infrastructure investments / 71
4. Strategies for maximizing the added economic value / 74

Theme 8 Public service regulation policies / 79
1. The significance, objectives and content of the SUP / 79 regulatory policies
2. Ways of regulating public services and utilities / 82
3. Regulation of public services between social and economic evaluations / 85

Theme 9 Costs of providing public services and utilities / 90
1. The main categories of specific costs SUP / 90
2. The tariff regime of SUP / 92
3. Cost - fundamental element of the tariff structure of SUP / 93

Theme 10 Elaboration of tariffs for public services and utilities / 98
1. Types and essential characteristics of tariffs for public services / 98
2. The process of elaborating the tariffs for public services and utilities / 100
3. Modern methodological approaches in calculating tariffs: summary / 103

Theme 11 Quality of public services and utilities / 106
1. The concept of quality of public services / 106
2. Attributes of the quality of public services / 108
3. Highlights of the process of improving the quality of public services. / 111

Theme 12 Marketing of public services and utilities / 113
1. The content of the marketing of public services and utilities / 113
2. Priority elements in public service marketing / 114
3. The role of communication in the marketing of public services / 118

Theme 13 Economic sustainability of public services and utilities / 121
1. The notion of economic sustainability applied to public services / 121
2. Economic sustainability as integrated efficiency / 125
3. Examples of integrated economic efficiency indicators / 128

Theme 14 Financial sustainability in the field of public services and utilities / 130
1. Cash flow - source of financial sustainability / 130
2. Self-financing capacity as a condition of financial sustainability / 134
3. The concept of financial sustainability of the company / 138

Bibliography / 143

This paper addresses the economic and managerial foundations of public services and utilities, paying special attention to issues related to business strategies in this area, as well as public regulation policies. Taking into account the wide diversity of economic activities limited to the public services and utilities sector, our attention has focused predominantly on municipal / communal and home services, which, through satisfied needs and consumption, are closest to citizens and have a decisive influence on quality of life of the population.
The paper deals with topics of maximum interest, such as the fundamentals of the economy of public services and utilities; economic, managerial and technical particularities of public services; ways of organization and management; design / planning of supply systems; the specifics of management in public organizations; business strategies; public policies; service cost structure; the modalities for setting the tariffs; quality management of public services; particularities of marketing; conditions of economic sustainability; the possibilities of ensuring the financial sustainability of these services.
The importance of public services and utilities, despite the lack of spectacularity of most of them, is undeniable. The quality and performance of these services currently define the level of civilization and comfort of everyday life. The modern man cannot simply imagine a day without electricity, two days without tap water or a week in which garbage is not discharged from the block's collecting chamber, for example. Also, in the public services and utilities sector, important economic resources are mobilized, including hundreds of thousands of employees throughout the country.
The book is addressed primarily to students in economic studies programs, but can also be useful to people who carry out their professional activity in the area of ​​public services and utilities.

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