ISBN: 978-973-749-605-8
Publisher year: 2009
Edition: 1
Pages: 177
Publisher: Editura Universitara
Author: Laura Serbanescu, Dan Potolea, Ioan Neacsu
What is this book-synthesis?
An original contribution to the construction process and rigorous continuing education / training of teachers, seen as indicator of quality human resources in education, on the agenda of universities, educational planners and decision makers, European and national.
What brings her new area for work?
First, this optimal curricular standards and the presence of effective models in psycho-pedagogical approach, the perspective of evolution in the teaching career is the result of a better initial training but also a better perception of embedded values and core competencies of cross practiced during practice the teaching profession.
Then, considering the pedagogical training contexts as expressing dynamic interdisciplinary and intercultural borders.
Thirdly, the need for potentially higher expression in what we call portability, sound of highly qualified, (self) evaluation more pronounced, more harmonized curriculum design, conduct creative and reflective capacity more practiced and present in the examination of completion in education, to obtain teaching degrees II and I.
What are the elements of constructive repertoire of content work?
Specifically, point out the presence of three cores:
(a) the methodology to elaborate training programs,
(b) FP generation
(c) set specific program areas pedagogical training necessary for each category of teachers teaching in schools in Romania.
We emphasize, however, clarify the problem of continuity and discontinuity relations between initial and continuing training, the completion and obtaining the second degree.
Are understandable, also values effective mental model of modular practices in curriculum design and implementation, predictable and flexible labor routes intellectual information-rich and accessible documentation visible due to Romanian and foreign bibliographies.
After all, every teacher in the possession of such works will become co-participants in their training, interested in control mechanisms actor skills training, the chances of success in teaching career.
Who are the beneficiaries?
Our answer is as sincere as it is projective: from students and graduates who want to become teachers to those who are in education, full and substitute, which will be in a position to give exams for completion in education, then to obtain second degree, from teachers in training trainers and training centers continued ability to professional development and training inspectors continue the CSI's or CCDs, the interested and academics involved in such exams.
Personalized reading of the work will surely lead to increased quality of all categories of teachers in high school and will stimulate research and innovation, the principles will require life-long-learning will create prerequisites for a common European principles of integration will create a better public image of what we call "good teacher", thus configuring a profession attractive for young qualifications for school in Romania.
Prof. dr. Ioan Neacsu
Is prof. PhD at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest.
Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, pedagogical-Romanian, class 1970, a teaching career through all steps in the same university.
He is currently dean of the prestigious Faculty Psychology and Educational Sciences, PhD in science education since 1992, for candidates from Romania and other countries - Greece, Israel, Jordan, Russia, Thailand, Moldova.
The key areas of scientific competence and meet the quality of teaching courses holder of Educational Psychology, effective learning methods and techniques, Psycho-pedagogy of creativity, human resources management (cycle license), Human Resource Management and Total Quality Management (Master), Project Management Research (Doctoral School of Educational Sciences).
He attended training sessions, research and training in the fields of curriculum (Israel), American university education reform (USA), quality management and leadership in education (Harvard University, USA), management and entrepreneurship education (England), structures in education higher (Salzburg, Austria) to He participated in conferences, meetings and symposia UNESCO, Council of Europe held in EU countries and Switzerland, Norway, USA, Israel
It is now recognized as an expert member, coordinator and evaluator in national and international projects and programs - the World Bank, PHARE, Leonardo, NURC, SOP HRD ACPART ARACIS, PNA, UNICEF, MECI, FICE INTERNATIONAL.
As only author has published reference works (7 books), 32 works of synthesis, manuals, guides, coordinated 18 volumes with collective author, has written over 150 scientific studies and articles in professional journals, including ISI system, at home and abroad.
Is an active member of several committees and journal editorial collectives owned university in Romania, and of numerous professional associations and bodies in the country and abroad.
Also, along with teaching, in the period 1990 -2009, he held various management positions top, in the Romanian Government and the Ministry of Education.
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